15+ Command-Line Hot Keys You Didn’t Know About

Tina Huynh
1 min readMay 13, 2022


  1. Ctrl + R = search your command history
  2. Ctrl + W = deletes a single word
  3. Ctrl + U = deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the line
  4. Ctrl + K = deletes from the cursor to the end of the line
  5. Ctrl + A = sends the cursor to the beginning of the line
  6. Ctrl + E = sends the cursor to the end of the line
  7. Ctrl + L = clears the terminal
  8. Ctrl + D = closes the terminal
  9. Ctrl + F = moves the cursor forward one character
  10. Ctrl + B = moves the cursor background one character
  11. Alt + F = moves the cursor forward one word
  12. Alt + B = moves the cursor backward one word
  13. Alt + T = switches two words next to each other
  14. Alt + U = changes the characters of the word next to the cursor to lowercase
  15. ALT + B = changes the characters of the word next to the cursor to uppercase
  16. Ctrl + S = stops all the output to the screen
  17. Ctrl + Q = resumes the output after stopping with Ctrl + S
  18. Ctrl + XX = move between the beginning of the line and the current position of the cursor
  19. Ctrl + _ = undo your last keypress

Happy coding!

